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Why blog

A question that I've been asking myself many times since I made the index page for this section.

Why do I even need a blog or some other kind of place where I can post statements or stories?

The main problem is that others can exploit the info I give or they may be dissatisfied about it. If it's someone I know, they may get worried about something, and if it's someone else... well, then I may get worried about myself.

On the other hand, the information may be useless, but it's unlikely that it can be of no worth at all.

The second problem is that I may be wrong about many things, and even though I can edit these pages whenever I want, it still would be strange to retract.

...or would it?

Aside from uselessness or incorrectness, which may be subjective, the only real problem is that I am afraid of specific people seeing the info. Which can probably be avoided by not posting anything sensitive.

So yes, maybe I should worry less and just post.

So what's the point in this page if I reconvinced myself already? Maybe to tell others I am paranoid and non-confident.
...or maybe just very cautious.