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Here you can find general information about this website and me.

The me

I don't usually like to tell about myself (probably because I don't know what to say).

I like to program, sometimes on JS or Lua, but lately usually on Java since my assignments require me to use it. Am not very skilled in any of the above, just enough to use them in small projects. Some of the best of mine are Minesweeper and Snake games.

And of course, I do like playing games, but I try not to spend too much time in them though I often do.
Some of my favourite games that I've ever played, although not necessarily play nowadays, are:

As for the other hobbies...
I draw sometimes, but I do it very rarely. I don't think there are any good drawings that I can show (Seriously, I don't draw much, and last time I published anything I wasn't as good as now, so it would be appreciated if you won't ask for them, at least now). I've been planning to make a gallery though, so maybe sometime I'll let everyone see them.
I also study languages sometimes, though I wouldn't like to tell about these publicly. Let's just say I know about 3.5 in total :p


You can usually find me with the "Meha931" name/tag on most places. I don't think there are many impersonators of me, but it's certainly taken by me on Steam and Github.

You also can could can (again) could can (!) send me an emаil. It was quite a pain to set it up for the first time, and less of a pain the second time, and a bit more the last time, but currently the mail server is up, so now you can send a message for me. If you're interested, the address that I had set for myself is control [аt] box [dоt] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [dоt] 123456789 [dоt] meha931 [dоt] xyz . Yes, this was a valid inbox that I can check whenever I log in as that user. I wasn't really able to reply using this address, since most email services outright reject messages (and not even give them a chance to end up at least in "Spam") if some security things haven't been set up, but last time I tried to set up a mailbox I realised I had the SPF record set up a wrong way, so now it's fixed and my messages do arrive to most email providers, though usually they end up in the "Spam" folder still.
Still, I'd prefer if you used other options of contacting me like Steam, since it's easy to fake the sender address in the messages, although I can manually check if the address is genuine.

I also have a Matrix server running at the moment! You can contact me at @emeha:m.meha931.xyz if you have an account in the federation.
(Not at the moment actually, it's under maintenance).

The site

Here's some technical info about the site:

Just don't attack the server please